New Orleans Small Business Photography: Bokah Bikes

January 31, 2019

Bokah Bikes is a local business ran by Andy T. It's a bike shop that specializes in rebuilding antique bikes and bike repairs. I came out to capture some photos that reflected his business and brand. My goal was to make images he could use for his website and for social media.


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(^yes, yes he does have an espresso machine that makes amazing espresso's^) 

ts190131.bokahbikesWTR-11ts190131.bokahbikesWTR-11 This was a pretty fun photo session. None of these shots were posed or planned out. I just came in while Andy was working and started shooting. We could of stopped and posed shots, but I feel you start to lose the realness of an image when you do that. The joy in it for me is making good compositions and shooting on the fly. Capturing the moment instead of recreating it.

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