New Orleans Dog Photographer

May 29, 2019  •  Leave a Comment


I have found my new life calling. THROWING TREATS AT DOG. Some people are passionate about exercising, eating right, sports or maybe hanging out with there friends. Me: throwing treats at puppers.

From my recent studies I’ve found that puppers love treats and make funny faces in photographs when trying to get those treats.  ts190406treatgimgypswtr-5ts190406treatgimgypswtr-5

Getting these shots isn’t easy work. It takes many treats and 100's of shots to get that perfect photo.  Most dogs are a little shy at first and even down right afraid of the studio. But after sitting down with them and feeding them treats in the studio I’ve always managed to calm them down enough to get some good shots.

Heres Gimli:




Hes a good boy and a good New Orleans street dog that was picked up from nola bulldog rescue. Gimli was afraid of the studio. He didn’t like the big light stands or how my paper backdrop made a funny noise if he walked to far back or even the click from my camera. After I sat with him for awhile in the studio(with a handful of treats) he slowly forgot about all the scary photography stuff. And became slowly focused on getting treats.

Here is Reuben:



 He is pretty old and seems to be going blind. He wasn’t that great at catching treats, but very good at eating treats off the ground.

Here's Tex:




 Hes a big dog and an older gentleman of sorts. He wasn’t that great at catching the treats but certainly gave it a try everytime.

This is K.





K is a sweet girl. Very hyper and very rambunctious. She was a bit scared of the backdrop, but eventually she got over it and caught a lot of treats.

This is Gypsy Rose.




She is my dog. Gypsy is a dog model pro. She knows that when a camera is pointed at her that she supposed to sit and pose. She is my #1 test subject. All of the photography gear I have has at one point been tested out on her. 

This summer I’m offering a special offer on dog photography sessions. I’m calling them my Dogger treat boop sessions
Dogger Treat boop Photography session: $225
 Includes 20-30 digital images and one of those images as an 8x10 matted pprint.
Contact me now through my contact page to set up a session.




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