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Local New Orleans Photographer Traven Stout's Take on Mardi Gras

"Mardi gras is a special time of the year for me. It's a time where the entire city of new orleans shuts down and lets go. No matter who you are poor, rich, white, black, we take to the streets in the name of celebration. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. It's a time when people cut loose and binge in all the desires before they give them up for t lent. Some people drink, some people eat, I shoot cameras. Mardi Gras is a time for me to test different equipment, different films, different techniques with street photography. I started this project in 2013, I wanted to tell the story of mardi gras through the people of mardi gras, because after all it is the people of mardi gras who make mardi gras happen. It's still that, but also now its kind of a show case for the progression of my work and styles. As long as I'm alive I'll be in new orleans for mardi gras with a camera in my hand."
new orleans marching band durring endymion paradeguy lights cigar on mardigras daylittle girl sleeps on mardi gras morningperson helps direct traffic on mardi gras day on esplanade streetst augustine marching 100mardi gras marching band with fisheyelensflambeaux on uptown parade routeguy on side street of krewe du vieuxmardi grad indianmardigras indianband director in staging area for endymion paradestaging area for enymion paradeportrait on mardi grad dayflambeuax on st charles parade routemardi gras morning in the marignymardi gras morning krewe of st annefat tuesdaydog on mardi gras morning durring krew of st ann parademarching 100girl on her stoop watching people passe on fat tuesday morning